Who we are
The Vision
Where sport & Community come together
- Sport Edmonton envisions a future where the realms of sport and community unite, fostering a vibrant, inclusive, and active city.
- In the future, Sport Edmonton sees a city where barriers to participation are dismantled and every individual, regardless of age, gender, ability, socioeconomic status or background, has access to a wide range of sports and recreational activities.
- This vision includes not just the physical spaces where sports are played, but also the social and community networks that support and enhance the sports experience.

Who we are
Our Mission
To be the trusted partner, advocate, educator, and leader of all things Sport & Recreation in Edmonton through an inclusive and accessible manner
As the definite voice and leader in the domain of sport and recreation, Sport Edmonton commits to advocating, educating, and leading with integrity, passion, and innovation.
This mission statement serves as our guiding principle for decision making, program support and community engagement moving forward. It ensures that our efforts are aligned towards the common vision of enhancing our Edmonton communities through sport and recreation.
We will collaborate with all stakeholders to ensure national and international sport events that occur in Edmonton, leave a legacy behind for the community.
We will continue to share valuable information and be a trusted resource to sport organizations and the sporting community in this city.
We will bring all the sport organization voices together and speak to community partners, government bodies, and corporate stakeholders as a unified body.
We will provide resources towards developing community driven, grassroots sport initiatives, and recreational events across the city of Edmonton.
Meet our Team
The Sport Edmonton Team

Chief Executive Officer
ManagerCommunity Development and Social Impact
ManagerGrowth, Marketing and Content
Our Board of Directors
James Rosnau has been the Executive Director of Athletics Alberta for five and a half years. Previous senior administration experience includes serving as the Chief Operating Officer for Mainline Innovations, Director of Operations for FC Edmonton, General Manager of the Sherwood Park Soccer Association, and several roles with the Minnesota Twins Professional Baseball Club. James has a Bachelor of Science/Kinesiology from the California University of Pennsylvania (Presidential Scholar), is an NCCP Level 2 basketball coach, and has previous Board experience (Edmonton Legacy Foundation Board and Mainline Innovations Executive Board). James was a college level basketball athlete, coached at the international level, and is an experienced international event organizer.
Danielle Gregg (Wotherspoon) is very passionate about health and wellness, strongly viewing sport as an essential tool to keep our communities healthy. She has a special interest in keeping women, and especially children, active and healthy, and can be found teaching prenatal yoga, as well as consulting new moms and families on the importance of nutrition. Danielle has a huge interest in Governance in sport, and a passion to help create positive change at the highest level. She loves working in a team environment and to build a strong community. She was a member of Team Canada (speed skating) at the 2014 Sochi Winter Olympics, a member of the Canadian Sport Centre Calgary’s Athlete Advisory Council and has been a Fast and Female Ambassador since 2013, all while continuing to foster the development of athletes within speed skating. In other roles, Danielle is the President of the Glenora Preschool Board of Directors, an advisor to the Edmonton Riverhawks Baseball Club, and is pursuing a Post Graduate Certificate in International Sports Management at the University of London, UK. Danielle can often be found with her husband and 4 little ones, running, biking, skiing or skating somewhere in Edmonton’s river valley.
Jill Schlender is an experienced business professional, currently working in non-profit sport, with a passion for providing sport and recreation opportunities for all. With more than 20 years work experience in consulting and in the non-profit sector, Jill has developed a wide array of business competencies, exceptional teamwork skills, and thoroughly enjoys collaborating with others on projects. This includes over the last three years serving in the roles of Project Manager, Director of Operations, and Event Lead with KidSport Edmonton. Jill also brings a strong volunteer background, including Chair of the Capilano Community Park Redevelopment Project, Communication Lead for the Capilano Community League, and as a member of the Greater Hardisty Community Sustainability Coalition. Within sport, Jill has coached youth softball and basketball, and in her post player years as an assistant coach of the University of Alberta Pandas Basketball team. These experiences are built upon a Bachelor of Physical Education – Administration (with Distinction) and a Master of Business Administration from the University of Alberta. Jill’s goal in serving as a Director of the Edmonton Sport Council is to contribute to advancing the sport, active recreation, and active living sector in Edmonton, and to work with a team that is a leader in advocating for sport and active living opportunities for all Edmontonians.
Jeremy Haluschak is employed as the Manager of Business Operations for Hockey Alberta, is a Certified Professional Accountant (Certified Management Accounts of Alberta), and is working on a Masters of Business Administration at the University of Alberta. Currently leading the development of Hockey Alberta’s enterprise risk management plan, Jeremy previously collaborated in the creation of risk, injury and conduct management resources for Hockey Alberta, and presentation of the same within Alberta. Jeremy’s previous volunteer experience was gained as a board member for the Friends of the Ukrainian Village Society for six years, where he served as Treasurer for four years, chaired the organization’s Nominating Committee, and served on the Human Resources Committee when it filled the Executive Director’s position. He also served as a coach for the North East Zone Sports Council / Maple Leaf Athletic Club for ten years. Lastly, Jeremy is hopeful to leave the legacy that the ESC and all sport in Edmonton is in a better place through strong leadership, and increasing knowledge at the community level in how to ensure the delivery of quality sport experiences.
Daniel Mason is a professor with the Faculty of Kinesiology, Sport, and Recreation at the University of Alberta currently teaching courses in sport management and the business of hockey and has undertaken extensive research on sports facilities and sporting events in cities across the world. Not currently holding any positions with any sport organizations within the Edmonton community, Dan believes he brings an unbiased perspective on the issues facing sport opportunities in the city and a good media relationship formed through hundreds of interviews on radio, television, and online and print media. In serving as a Director, Dan’s goal would be to use his knowledge of the industry and relationship with the media to positively influence sport and active living in Edmonton, and ultimately improve the quality of life of Edmontonians. Dan is the father of four children who have all been involved in various sporting activities in the community.
Katrina Maximchuk has a passion of working with disabled athletes which is founded in her experience growing up with a younger sister with disabilities whose needs were very high during the mid-nineties when community participation opportunities were quite limited. Today, Katrina has a Master of Arts degree in Adapted Physical Activity from the University of Alberta (2013) and serves as the Executive Director for the Paralympic Sports Association (PSA). This followed her service as a Board Member, including the position of Board Secretary, for PSA from 2013-2020. In serving as a Director of the Edmonton Sport Council, Katrina will endeavor to increase awareness of and access to adapted sport in Edmonton. She is also passionate about physical literacy, with a keen eye to supporting the development of fundamental movement skills in the early years. She also hopes to work alongside other community members who share a similar appreciation for the growth of, and access to, sport and learn from their unique experiences.
Lauren Farnell is a communication, media relations, marketing and strategy professional with over fifteen years’ experience working with international sports, entertainment, and event organizations. An energetic and innovative leader with strong relationship-building skills. Sports fanatic, karaoke enthusiast, and animal-lover. Currently, Lauren serves as Associate Vice-President (Strategy, Grey Cup and Events) for the Canadian Football League and responsible for overseeing the long-term strategy, growth and success of Canada’s largest annual single-day sporting event and week-long celebration – the Canadian Football League’s Grey Cup and Grey Cup Festival. As someone who has benefitted from the value of sport her entire life both as a participant, as an athlete and coach at a provincial level, and now in a professional career, Lauren would welcome the opportunity to be involved as a member of the ESC board moving forward.
Stephen Bourdeau, currently in the role of the Chief Executive Officer for Do North Events, has twenty years of experience in leading special events and project management at a local, national, and international level – including two Olympic Games. As a sport volunteer, Stephen has served as a coach for youth cycling, triathlon, and ringette. He has also served as the Volunteer Operations Coordinator for the IIHF World Junior Hockey Championships. To the Edmonton Sport Council, Stephen would bring extensive experience in the areas of board governance, policy development, advocacy/community relations/public relations, financial management, strategic planning, and many other areas. Stephen’s background in major sport administration and event management in the Edmonton region has enabled strong relationships with community sport leaders, government officials and councillors that can be an asset to drive the Edmonton Sport Council’s agenda forward. He believes the ESC plays an important role in the Edmonton region, and that by building strong relationships among local sport and active organizations, the ESC can lead in the development of policy and allocation of resources to provide access to sport and recreation for all Edmontonians.
Steve Hogle is currently serving as the General Manager of the Edmonton Riverhawks. Prior to this, Steve was well known within the Edmonton hockey community as an athlete (Hockey Edmonton and the Canadian Athletic Club) before attending the University of Illinois on a hockey scholarship along with four other players from the EMHA. He has also coached with KC Hockey. His professional career includes decades in media, where he ran the CTV Edmonton newsroom, worked at the Alberta Research Council (now Alberta Innovates) and time with the Edmonton Oilers as Vice President Communications and Broadcast. For six years, Steve served as President of the Saskatoon Blades and then went on to serve as the organization’s Alternate Governor and Senior Advisor prior to returning to Edmonton to serve as the General Manager of Hockey Edmonton in 2020.