Considered the "invisible" injury
The Sport Medicine Council of Alberta is part of the Alberta Concussion Alliance, a group of professionals in Alberta who have come together to provide strategic direction in our community about concussion information, and the prevention of, and safe recovery from, sport and recreation-related concussions.
The Sport Medicine Council has created an easy to understand concussion awareness page, including links to resources and education for sport and recreation participants, parents, coaches, organizers, educators and more.
Video recordings and presenter slides from the Concussion in Sport Symposium 2021: Demonstrating Canadian Leadership are available here.
A recording of the 2023 Canadian Concussion Network Pre-Conference Virtual Symposium is posted here: Considering primary, secondary, and tertiary concussion prevention strategies
A free online Concussion Course is being updated to include content from the 6th International Consensus on Concussion in Sport. The next course will be available in the late fall of 2023 or early winter of 2024.

Concussion Awareness DaySeptember 27
The Alberta Concussion Awareness Day was established to increase concussion awareness by providing information and encouraging action across Alberta. Concussion Awareness Day is for everyone with a role in healthy active living.