Dare to Care – Women & Girls in Sport Grant
To celebrate National Girls and Women in Sport Day, Dare to Care is offering five $1,000 workshop subsidies to Alberta-based sport organizations.
These subsidies can be used to host any of our impactful Dare to Care workshops for audiences that are at least 80% female or coaches/guardians of female athletes. Dare to Care has partnered with the Canadian Women & Sport Spotlight Grant to educate on Safe Sport practices, promote gender equity in sport, and create more diverse and inclusive sport communities.
See the linked document.
Grants are offered on a first-come-first-served basis.
Organizations looking to apply for this subsidy must meet the following requirements: be an Alberta-based sport organization (ex. Sports clubs, PSOs, community groups, sport associations, etc). workshops must be for either 80% female participants OR coaches/guardians of female participants, promote the partnership on social media and tag Dare to Care and Canadian Women & Sport, workshops must take place before March 31, 2023, and organization must provide the facility to host the workshops.

Funding Organization

Dare to Care – Women & Girls in Sport
Not Identified