Green Cities Foundation #GreenMyCity Program
The Green Cities Foundation (GCF) has identified the need of people living in Canadian urban communities to improve the quality of their health by increasing the number and quality of green spaces they can enjoy, by cleaning up the air they breathe, by reducing big city noise, and by cooling down increasingly hot outdoor temperatures.
We want to help communities create or improve green spaces that people will be able to enjoy, and that will improve air, soil and water quality, and reduce the effects of human activity on climate change.
Projects must be located in public, accessible open spaces in urban Canadian communities, such as the following: community gardens, sports fields, green spaces, brown spaces, parks, streets, school grounds and historic green spaces.
See the website. Prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the Program Coordinator through the website to discuss your proposal.
Apply online any time before the start date of your project/activity.
We ask applicants to commit to the long-term success of their project by organizing volunteers and raising some money to help with any project-related costs.

Funding Organization

Green Cities Foundation
Not Identified